Donor Registration


To fund a student the donor has to register first. Though the user can browse through the student list but will not be able to fund a student without registration.

1. Find

After registration, the donor can browse through the student profiles where each student appears after extensive student and school verification. The funds are provided directly to the school and regular feedback on students’ academic performance and attendance is received. In this way we help the schools in assuring the enrolment and in return they assure that the students achieve the desired scores to continue their scholarship.

2. Donate

You can review an extensive list of student profiles along with their detailed information and can also filter with respect to their gender, class, future jobs and even their favorite subject. Once you have finalized the student, and if you wish sponsor then please click the donate button to allocate funds.

3. Connect

At ilmDOST we will love sharing with you the prayers and thank you notes that the student and their families send for you. You can also share these updates through your social media networks, and advocate the educational causes of ilmDOST.